The Territory Between Us
In 2018 I began a conversation with Wuikinuxw/Klahoose artist Bracken Hanuse Corlett, which led to a long, slow dance with a mask. This is the story, which is still emerging.
An algorithm for dancing with the planet
An algorithm for dancing with your beloved
And algorithm for dancing from enoughness
Other works
Talking in Terinai
Marion D’Cruz taught me the Terinai more than 30 years ago. On this night, overlooking the much-changed Kuala Lumpur skyline, in a one-take film, we danced the time passed between then and now.
Justine and I follow spirals in and around ourselves on the beach.
I made an album!
The Things I Carry
Solo performance.
I dance, sing and tell stories about moving bodies, moving water and our recording devices.
Dance Machine
64 pieces of bamboo are suspended from a central copper disk and can be moved independently by host artists and visitors to create an immersive experience. Performances happen but nobody knows when or by whom.
The Talking, Thinking, Dancing Body
Talking and thinking the dancing body without ignoring the world it is in.